Our Family First


My Body

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Living Debt Free

Living debt free has always been something I wanted to do; however, when we bought our house, we were not prepared for the initial expenses. This lack of preparedness has put some stress on us, our marriage and our relationship with our daughter. So, in an effort to turn this around, I listened to Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University series. The principles are easy and simple. I'm excited to get thru the process and live debt-free.

Here is a ticker to show our progress on eliminating credit cards and our vehicle payments:

Once these items are paid off, we will work on establishing a better emergency fund, then pay off our student loans...The baby steps are easy and listed below:

1. $1000 emergency fund
2. Debt snowball (pay off everything except for your house)
3. Three - six months of living expenses
4. Invest 15% of household income into ROTH IRAs or pre-tax retirement
5. College funding for children
6. Pay off your home early
7. Build wealth and give! Invest in mutual funds and real estate

Countdown begins...

I haven't been on here in awhile to provide an update. While I am going to school and working, I would still love to have another baby (and a sibling for Lillian). My biological clock is ticking louder and louder, and it doesn't seem to want to quiet down. In talking to my wonderful husband, we decided to start trying again, so I made an appointment with a new RE's office. The appointment is on November 10th at 1 pm. I have been mum to the women at work, and I don't want to say anything for a little while. You bet your butt that I WILL tell them when I am pregnant!!!!

Anyhow, here is the ticker for my appointment: