Thursday, December 17, 2009
O Day
Today has been eventful, to say the least. I started doing OPK's yesterday morning (Wednesday) per the nurse's request on Tuesday. The 1 follicle on my right ovary was 15mm on Tuesday, and she said that she didn't want us to miss the surge. Well, I got my smiley face this morning, which is definitely easier than trying to read those stupid double lines tests! I went in this morning for my appt at 7:15 am with Lillian in tow...Before Joy drew blood, I asked her what the protocol would be if I got my smiley. She said that we would do the u/s and b/w and probably have me come back tomorrow for the IUI. After she drew blood and did the u/s, she called Dr P and he said to come back this morning. I called Kenny, who freaked out because he was at work. Joy gave me my Ovidrel shot. I took Lillian to school, picked up Kenny's specimen and hauled to the doctor's office. I waited 2 hours for his specimen to be ready. At 11:30+, Joy called me back and I got the IUI. Everything went well, and I made it into work at 1:30 pm. I couldn't believe it took so long...I start Crinone on Saturday and call in 2 weeks if AF hasn't shown...I believe this is the time. My HEDD is 9/9/2010.
Monday, November 30, 2009
First cycle with Dr S
I am currently 2 dpo - 10 days until I can test/AF shows. Kenny and I met with Dr S this morning. We talked about what I wanted to do, and he made his suggestion. I told him that I wanted to be as aggressive as we could without having to do IVF. Our plan of treatment for next cycle is a baseline on CD2 or 3; letrozole, 5mg; CD3-7, followed by an u/s on CD8. On CD8 or 9, I will start the Ganirelix and Bravelle, 450 iu and Menopur, 150 iu. The nurse said that there will be a calendar that she will give me when the time comes. She also just left me a message and said that I will also have to take Crinone 2 dpiui due to the Ganirelix. This next cycle is going to be VERY intense if I am not preggo now. The nurse has ordered the meds, and Ascend will be calling me soon....The wait is on.
For now, I continue my acupuncture appointments, which are going really well.
For now, I continue my acupuncture appointments, which are going really well.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The results are in...
I called this morning to get the results of my AMH, and the results were not good. My levels are less than 0.1! This is a sign of diminished ovarian reserve, and the chances of pregnancy are extremely low. However, I had a dream one year ago tomorrow that we would have a son. God is amazing and faithful; I know that He answers prayers and gives us the desires of our heart. Our desire (me, Kenny and Lillian) is to have another baby. I am at peace with twins...We pretty much have names for two boys or a boy and a girl.
Dr S said to create a plan for the next year at my first appointment. At that time, I pretty much had a plan. Kenny and I talked; and we agreed that 3 mature follicles, this does not include less mature follicles, would be the maximum that we would be comfortable with. So here is what I am thinking right now for treatment:
First cycle: Letrozole, pre-mixed injectables and trigger, and 1 IUI.
Second cycle: Letrozole; pre-mixed injectables, lupron (if necessary) and trigger, and 1 IUI
Third cycle: Same as second cycle but with 2 IUI's
If I am not preggo by then, we will start saving for IVF, but the protocol for the second and third cycles is similar medicinally to IVF. God has a plan and timing...
Dr S said to create a plan for the next year at my first appointment. At that time, I pretty much had a plan. Kenny and I talked; and we agreed that 3 mature follicles, this does not include less mature follicles, would be the maximum that we would be comfortable with. So here is what I am thinking right now for treatment:
First cycle: Letrozole, pre-mixed injectables and trigger, and 1 IUI.
Second cycle: Letrozole; pre-mixed injectables, lupron (if necessary) and trigger, and 1 IUI
Third cycle: Same as second cycle but with 2 IUI's
If I am not preggo by then, we will start saving for IVF, but the protocol for the second and third cycles is similar medicinally to IVF. God has a plan and timing...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I had my appointment yesterday, and I am SO happy! I cannot believe that I waited so long to find a new doc when I was unhappy with the service I received from the other place. Dr S is amazing! We went over my paperwork and I brought a lot with me - charts, previous chart from other doc, my calendar showing cycles from 2007 - current...He actually did an exam, so I got to see my uterus and my ovaries. I do have a 2 cm by 2.5 cm cyst on my left ovary, so he is going to be watching it over the next couple of weeks. He ordered the AMH b/w to see how my ovaries are working and how my egg reserve is. I go on November 30 to go over the b/w and to set up a plan of treatment!
God is good!
God is good!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Living Debt Free
Living debt free has always been something I wanted to do; however, when we bought our house, we were not prepared for the initial expenses. This lack of preparedness has put some stress on us, our marriage and our relationship with our daughter. So, in an effort to turn this around, I listened to Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University series. The principles are easy and simple. I'm excited to get thru the process and live debt-free.
Here is a ticker to show our progress on eliminating credit cards and our vehicle payments:

Once these items are paid off, we will work on establishing a better emergency fund, then pay off our student loans...The baby steps are easy and listed below:
1. $1000 emergency fund
2. Debt snowball (pay off everything except for your house)
3. Three - six months of living expenses
4. Invest 15% of household income into ROTH IRAs or pre-tax retirement
5. College funding for children
6. Pay off your home early
7. Build wealth and give! Invest in mutual funds and real estate
Here is a ticker to show our progress on eliminating credit cards and our vehicle payments:

Once these items are paid off, we will work on establishing a better emergency fund, then pay off our student loans...The baby steps are easy and listed below:
1. $1000 emergency fund
2. Debt snowball (pay off everything except for your house)
3. Three - six months of living expenses
4. Invest 15% of household income into ROTH IRAs or pre-tax retirement
5. College funding for children
6. Pay off your home early
7. Build wealth and give! Invest in mutual funds and real estate
Countdown begins...
I haven't been on here in awhile to provide an update. While I am going to school and working, I would still love to have another baby (and a sibling for Lillian). My biological clock is ticking louder and louder, and it doesn't seem to want to quiet down. In talking to my wonderful husband, we decided to start trying again, so I made an appointment with a new RE's office. The appointment is on November 10th at 1 pm. I have been mum to the women at work, and I don't want to say anything for a little while. You bet your butt that I WILL tell them when I am pregnant!!!!
Anyhow, here is the ticker for my appointment:
Anyhow, here is the ticker for my appointment:

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Two Weeks
Usually when I talk about two weeks, it is waiting to take a pregnancy test. Well, this time, it is that AF found me only two weeks after my last period. I'm frustrated to say the least. I do not know what is going on with my body. I cannot really do anything because my (in my opinion) stupid RE won't do anything for me! I'm okay with waiting because of going back to school, but does my body really have to be this obnoxious??!?!? I take Human Anatomy/Physiology I in August, so I hope that this class will shed some light on what is going on...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
End of the Road...For Now
Welp, I have been on injectables, Bravelle (225 iu) and Menopur (150 iu), for 7 days. I had my baseline on CD3 and my u/s showed no cysts and my estradiol was 23. I started injectables that night and did them until last night. I went in this morning for a follow-up - bloodwork and ultrasound. My estradiol has not changed since my follow-up on Tuesday, less than 20, and there is no growth of any of my follies. I cannot believe it!
The doc said to stop taking the injectables and to come in for a consult. I declined the consult for now. I am going to focus on school and my wonderful, bright daughter and my amazing husband. I believe that I will have a son! We are like Sarah and Abraham...
The doc said to stop taking the injectables and to come in for a consult. I declined the consult for now. I am going to focus on school and my wonderful, bright daughter and my amazing husband. I believe that I will have a son! We are like Sarah and Abraham...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco de Mayo
If I were a drinker, I could definitely party tonight! AF showed today. I have my baseline u/s and b/w on Friday at 8 am EST. I will have my results in the afternoon to know whether or not I get to start the injectables. Kenny and I decided that whatever happens happens. We will leave it in God's hands to give us a baby in His time. I'm okay with this decision as I start school next Monday - College Algebra, followed by Intro to Religion. During the fall 2009, I will take Anatomy/Physiology I and Microbiology. In the spring, I take my last class - Anatomy/Physiology II, and then I can apply for nursing school in the fall 2010! I'm excited!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easing Up
We may be easing up on the gas a little for TTC. While I would love another baby or two, I am going to start taking a class per semester at the local community college. I'm at peace with whatever happens regarding TTC, as I know God has a plan for our lives...Kenny and I have not really talked about this directly, but I think we both agree that taking a break is going to be necessary.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
lol...I have been unmedicated in all senses of the word for a couple of weeks. I had been spotting for awhile and went in on what I thought was CD2, only to find out that it wasn't. My estrogen (estradiol or E2) was 90. It needs to be under 60 to start injectables... I also had two cysts on my ovaries at that time. Then on Monday, April 6, I went back again for b/w and u/s...found out that I had a 17mm cyst. My estrogen was 237!!! Needless to say, I am taking this cycle unmedicated...The nurse did say that when I get a positive OPK to call and an IUI would be done the following morning...I haven't started the OPK's yet...I should probably start them tomorrow, 4/9.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The End of March...
Today is the last day of March 2009. I cannot believe how time has flown by...I started spotting this morning and I'm not too happy. I hold on to the dream that I had about my son and believe that God gave me that dream to hold on to during these trying times. I'm pretty sure that my temp will drop tomorrow and AF will be here to bring in April and the start of a new cycle.
I am just finishing a Clomid cycle at 150 mg. My progesterone at 8 dpo/7 dpiui was 18.1 which is great! I actually responded better to the clomid then I did my last cycle of injectables...
Provided my b/w and u/s come back good, I will be using 225 iu of Bravelle and 150 iu of Menopur subcutaneously from CD3 until I have at least one mature follicle. I will then trigger and 36 hours later have an IUI (intrauterine insemination). My HEDD would be sometime in the first several of days of January 2010. I am hopeful that this will be the cycle...
I am just finishing a Clomid cycle at 150 mg. My progesterone at 8 dpo/7 dpiui was 18.1 which is great! I actually responded better to the clomid then I did my last cycle of injectables...
Provided my b/w and u/s come back good, I will be using 225 iu of Bravelle and 150 iu of Menopur subcutaneously from CD3 until I have at least one mature follicle. I will then trigger and 36 hours later have an IUI (intrauterine insemination). My HEDD would be sometime in the first several of days of January 2010. I am hopeful that this will be the cycle...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Well, today is Friday the 13th. This day is usually a "lucky" day for me, since I was born on this day (Friday the 13th)! However, AF found me this morning, just like my chart indicated she would. I have an appointment with the RE on Tuesday (2/17) at 4 pm to talk about how my first injectables cycle went. In my opinion, the cycle went well given the circumstances. I feel like the doctor only did the minimum required to say that he let me do an injectables cycle. (By minimum, I mean providing the medication, u/s and b/w - nothing else. I hope that he does not say that he won't go any further with me on Tuesday because I think I will have some choice words for him.
I know that God has a plan as to when other children are supposed to enter our life; I just wish He would share that timing with us. I get the feeling, though, that a child will be born in end of December/beginning of January. This timing would fit our birthday schedule, as shown below:
December/January: New baby
Feb: Kenny
March: me
April: Lillian
I think it would only be appropriate to have a baby in late December or January. Don't you think so?!?
I know that God has a plan as to when other children are supposed to enter our life; I just wish He would share that timing with us. I get the feeling, though, that a child will be born in end of December/beginning of January. This timing would fit our birthday schedule, as shown below:
December/January: New baby
Feb: Kenny
March: me
April: Lillian
I think it would only be appropriate to have a baby in late December or January. Don't you think so?!?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tomorrow, February 11, 2009
Well, I have a doctor appointment with a prospective OB/Gyn tomorrow at 8:30 am EST. I'm very excited as it is a practice of women. I will deliver at St Joseph's Women's Hospital, where I was born almost 28 years ago! I should say that I have not tested yet, so I have not confirmed my pregnancy. I do have a hunch (like I had with Lillian) that I am, in deed, pregnant! My due date is October 24, 2009!
I will be shouting the news from the rooftops when I know!
I will be shouting the news from the rooftops when I know!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Cycle Day 8
I had my ultrasound this morning at 8 am and there is one follicle that is 15 mm. The nurse drew my blood for estradiol levels, which was 151. She said that I needed to do one more night of meds and to come in tomorrow at 8 am for an ultrasound. Hopefully, that follicle will be ready. If it is, I will do one last injection - the trigger - tomorrow night.
Friday, January 23, 2009
First Night
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
January 21, 2009
Well, I had my ultrasound today...I have no cysts on my ovaries, so I am just waiting on my bloodwork to come back within range. Meds will be ordered and will arrive tomorrow. I will start injections tomorrow night! I have another ultrasound and bloodwork on January 27th to see the progress of the follicles!!
I cannot tell you how "over the moon" I am about starting this process. I know that God has a plan, and I believe that this is the path that we are supposed to be taking. I believe that we will deliver in October 2009. My mom is excited that she is going to be getting another grandbaby or two. Kenny is not excited about the odds of multiples, but I know that he will be okay with whatever happens.
12:37 pm
Wooohhoooo! E2 was 61, so I get to start injections tomorrow night!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so excited! (I wonder how I am going to feel when I get my BFP in a couple of weeks?!?!?!)
I cannot tell you how "over the moon" I am about starting this process. I know that God has a plan, and I believe that this is the path that we are supposed to be taking. I believe that we will deliver in October 2009. My mom is excited that she is going to be getting another grandbaby or two. Kenny is not excited about the odds of multiples, but I know that he will be okay with whatever happens.
12:37 pm
Wooohhoooo! E2 was 61, so I get to start injections tomorrow night!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so excited! (I wonder how I am going to feel when I get my BFP in a couple of weeks?!?!?!)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
AF came today...
and I am ecstatic! I do not think that I have ever been happy to start my period, but this is a great day (other than the awful cramps). I go tomorrow for an ultrasound and bloodwork to see if we can start injectables this cycle. This is our month! It has to be!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
January 7, 2009
I went to the reproductive endocrinologist (RE) yesterday. Because of the results of my clomid challenge, he was reluctant to prescribe injectables; however, I convinced him to do one cycle. I start Bravelle and Menopur at the beginning of my next cycle. I am very excited and hopeful that the injectables will work.
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